Abbotsford landslide
LCI : NZL1612041852Main Information | |
Landslide Name | : Abbotsford landslide |
Latitude | : 45:53:50 S |
Longitude | : 170:26:05 E |
Location | |
City / District | : Abbotsford |
Province | : Dunedin |
Country | : New Zealand |
Reporter | |
Reporter 1 | : Ha Nguyen Duc |
Reporter 2 | : Graham Hancox |
Landslide Type | |
Material | : Earth |
Movement | : Slide |
Velocity (mm/sec) | : Rapid |
Depth (m) | : Deep-Moderate |
Slope (degree) | : Very Gentle |
Volume (m³) | : Large-Moderate |
Date of Occurence | |
Date of Occurence | : Aug 08, 1979 |
Other Information | |
Land Use |
Source area : Wildland, Urban area Run-out/deposition area : Wildland, Urban area, Road |
Other Activity | : - |
Triggering Factor | : Human activity and rainfall |
Death(s) & Missing | : - |
Houses and other structural damage | : 69 |
Photo of landslide | : |
Google earth kmz file | : Abbotsford landslide.kmz |
Plan of landslide | : - |
Cross section of landslide | : |
Reference (paper/report) | : |
Testing graph | : - |
Monitoring graph | : - |
Video of moving landslides including 3D simulation | : - |
Description | : |
On August 8, 1979, a large translational block landslide occurred in Abbotsford – residential suburb of southwest Dunedin, New Zealand after several weeks of preliminary movements. In the history of New Zealand, the Abbotsford landslide is considered as the biggest landslide in an urbanized area. This landslide (with an area of 18 hectares and a volume of 5 million m3) moved a distance of around 50 meters down the hill at an average speed of approximately 1.7 m/min. The maximum thickness of the slide mass was up to 40 meters. No-one was injured or killed, however, the landslide caused the destruction of almost 70 houses with economic losses are around NZ $ 10-13 million. The Abbotsford landslide was contributed by two man-made factors: A sand quarry (closed 10 years earlier) at the toe of the slope and a leaking water main beyond the landslide area. Another factor which added to the initiation of the failure is high ground water levels because of the increased precipitation over the past decade. This report referred the research in the paper: Graham T. Hancox (2008) The 1979 Abbotsford Landslide, Dunedin, New Zealand: a retrospective look at its nature and causes. Landslides 5:177–188 |