The Global Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (GPC/IPL) was established by the 2006 Tokyo Action Plan. It was authorized by the MoUs between ICL and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), United Nations University (UNU), International Council for Science (ISC), and the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), which were signed in 2006.
The Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 was proposed by members of the ICL and the IPL during the Fourth World Landslide Forum in 2017 and launched on 5 November 2020 with 90 signatory organizations. The KLC2020 secretariat was also founded on 5 November 2020. The Global Promotion Committee of the IPL has expanded to the Global Promotion Committee of the IPL and KLC2020 in November 2021. The IPL-KLC Global Promotion Committee.
Terms of Reference of GPC/IPL-KLC
1) To organize meetings of the GPC/IPL-KLC and IPL-KLC Symposia.
2) To support publication of the open access book series “Progress in Landslide Research and Technology).
3) Evaluation and Promotion of IPL projects.
4) Identification, Approval, and Promotion of the World Centres of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction
5) Organization of World Landslides Forums.
6) Contribution to global landslide issues and promotion of the Sendai Landslide Partnerships 2015-2025 and the Kyoto 2020 Commitment for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk (KLC2020).
1) Funding from ICL.
2) Funding from KLC2020 Official Promoters.
1) ICL member organizations.
2) ICL supporting organizations which have exchanged MoU to promote IPL with ICL.
3) KLC2020 Official Promoters.
Chairpersons (after 1st January 2022)
Chair: Matjaž Mikoš (Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana)
Co-Chairs: Qunli Han (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR)
Soichiro Yasukawa (Programme Specialist on Disaster Risk Reduction, UNESCO, Paris)
Hiroshi Kitazato (Treasurer of IUGS)
John LaBrecque (Chair of IUGG GeoRisk Commission)
Secretary: Kyoji Sassa (IPL World Centre, Director)
IPL World Centre (IWC) was established in 2006 by the Tokyo Action Plan to serve as the Secretariat of IPL and GPC/IPL. IWC also serves as the KLC2020 Secretariat after its establishment on 5 November 2020. IWC is a part of the legal body (NPO-ICL registered in Kyoto, Japan) of ICL.
1. Terms of Reference
1) To serve as the Secretariat for IPL and KLC2020, and the Global Promotion Committee of IPL and KLC2020.
2) To coordinate and implement the IPL Global issues such as Edition of the ICL journal “Landslides” and the ICL book series “Progress in Landslide Research and Technology”, Landslide Database, and international joint research and disaster investigations.
3) To support the activities of the ICL-Japan (ICL Japanese network) and to promote the Kyoto 2020 Commitment in cooperation with ICL-Japan.
2. Management
IWC is managed by the IWC Council which consists of the members and advisors, and secretarial staffs:
1) Members
Directors of NPO-ICL, Members of ICL full members in Japan, Chair of GPC/IPL-KLC, Presidents and other officers and advisers of ICL
2) Advisors
Some officers from the Government of Japan and a senior advisor of ICL
3) Secretarial staffs
Members of the Council of the IPL World Centre 2024 Japanese fiscal year (2024.4.1 – 2025.3.31)
Name |
Organization |
Advisor |
BRICEÑO, Sálvano |
ICL Senior Advisor, Former Director of UNISDR |
Advisor |
TOKUDOME, Yoshiyuki |
Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, |
Advisor |
KITAZATO, Hiroshi |
International Union of Geological Sciences |
Advisor |
KITA, Katsuhiko |
Cabinet Office, the Government of Japan |
Advisor |
OCHI, Hideto |
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport |
Advisor |
YASUKAWA, Soichiro | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
Advisor |
KUROKAWA, Noritoshi | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan |
Member |
ARBANAS, Željko | ICL President (from 1 January 2024) |
Member |
BOBROWSKY, Peter | Former President of ICL |
Member |
CANUTI, Paolo |
Former President of ICL |
Member |
CASAGLI, Nicola |
ICL Vice President (Immediate-Past President) |
Member |
FATHANI, Faisal |
ICL web moderator, ICL Vice President for Asia |
Member |
HAN, Qunli |
Co-Chair of IPL-GPC, Director of IRDR |
Member |
HIGAKI, Daisuke |
Chair of ICL Committee of the Japan Landslide Society |
Member |
KONAGAI, Kazuo |
Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, |
Member |
MIKOŠ, Matjaž |
Chair of GPC/IPL-KLC, |
Member |
Japan International Cooperation Agency, |
Member |
OCHIAI, Hiroaki |
ICL Adviser, |
Member |
ROUHBAN, Badaoui |
IPL Advisor, |
Member |
SASSA, Kyoji |
Director-General of ICL (Chair of the Council) |
Member |
SASSA, Shinji |
Publishing Director of ICL, |
Member |
TAKARA, Kaoru |
President of National Research Institute for |
Member |
TIWARI, Binod |
Auditor of ICL, Professor and Associate Vice President, |
Member |
UZUOKA, Ryosuke |
Professor of DPRI, Kyoto University |
Member |
YAGI, Hiroshi |
Professor of Yamagata University, |