Unzen-Mayuyama megaslide
LCI : JPN1607121655Main Information | |
Landslide Name | : Unzen-Mayuyama megaslide |
Latitude | : 32:45:51.51 N |
Longitude | : 130:20:54.16 E |
Location | |
City / District | : Shimabara |
Province | : Nagasaki |
Country | : Japan |
Reporter | |
Reporter 1 | : Khang Dang |
Reporter 2 | : Kyoji Sassa |
Landslide Type | |
Material | : Complex |
Movement | : Slide |
Velocity (mm/sec) | : Extremely Rapid |
Depth (m) | : Very Deep |
Slope (degree) | : Moderate |
Volume (m³) | : Extremely Large |
Date of Occurence | |
Date of Occurence | : May 21, 1792 |
Other Information | |
Land Use |
Source area : Forest Run-out/deposition area : Farming, Urban area, Industrial use, Road, Railways, Sea/lake |
Other Activity | : Active in the past |
Triggering Factor | : Earthquake |
Death(s) & Missing | : 15153 |
Houses and other structural damage | : - |
Photo of landslide | : |
Google earth kmz file | : 11478764606.kmz |
Plan of landslide | : |
Cross section of landslide | : |
Reference (paper/report) | : http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10346-003-0004-y |
Testing graph | : Fig1478764606.xlsx |
Monitoring graph | : Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake CS1478764606.xlsx |
Video of moving landslides including 3D simulation | : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwAWjdXXNbk |
Description | : |
The greatest landslide disaster in the history of Japan is the 1792 Unzen–Mayuyama megaslide (Nakada et al. 1992, 1999). Its volume was 3.4×108 m3 and the maximum depth was 400 m; around 15,000 people were killed by the landslide and its resulting tsunami (Unzen Restoration Office of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan 2002; 2003). This report was made based on the paper of Sassa et al. 2014 published in Landslides Journal. This report referred the research in the paper `Kyoji Sassa I Khang Dang I Bin He I Kaoru Takara I Kimio Inoue I Osamu Nagai (2014) A new high-stress undrained ring-shear apparatus and its application to the 1792 Unzen–Mayuyama megaslide in Japan. Landslides Vol. 11:827–842` |