Main Information

LCI: JPN1607121655


City / District: Shimabara

Province: Nagasaki

Country: Japan

Latitude: 32:45:51.51 N

Longitude: 130:20:54.16 E


Reporter 1: Khang Dang

Reporter 2: Kyoji Sassa

Landslide Type

Material: Complex

Movement: Slide

Velocity (mm/sec): Extremely Rapid (5×10³ or more)

Depth (m): Very Deep (100 - 500)

Slope (degree): Moderate (20 - 30)

Volume (m³): Extremely large (10⁸ or more)

Date of Occurence

Date of Occurence: 05/21/1792

Other Information

Land use (Source Area): Forest

Land use (Run-out/deposition area): Farming, Urban area, Industrial use, Road, Railways, Sea/lake

Other Activity: Active in the past

Triggering Factor: Earthquake

Death(s) & Missing: 15153

Houses and other structural damage: -

Photo of landslide

Google earth kmz file

Plan of landslide

Cross section of landslide

Reference (paper / report) (Insert link)

Testing graph

Monitoring graph

Video of moving landslides including 3D simulation